Lerner David, with its numerous successes at both the trial and appellate level in 2017, has again earned the title of IP Litigation Department of the Year in 2018. The honor, bestowed by the New Jersey Law Journal, has been received by Lerner David each of the three years in which it entered the competition, with this third recognition solidifying the firm’s stature as best in the state. As the premier IP boutique in New Jersey, with its entire practice dedicated to various aspects of IP, all of the litigation handled by Lerner David is IP litigation. Its efforts for which it was recognized as top IP litigation department include successful Inter Partes Review proceedings, as well as appellate and trial level federal and state court proceedings involving patent, trademark, trade dress and licensing matters. The Law Journal lauded the 2018 winners as having gone “beyond providing good counsel to clients—they, in many cases, ferried them through the most significant disputes, [and] handled matters in creative ways.” An awards ceremony will be held later this year in which Lerner David will gratefully accept its award.